Hormone Consultation

The uniqueness of each patient is nowhere more prevalent than in hormone replacement therapy (HRT). the art of finding the ideal combination of hormones to help a patient achieve positive health outcomes is our number one priority for HRT patients. in addition to the stringent compounding requirements that we follow in compliance with federal regulations, we offer consulting services for our HRT patients and their physicians. Our experienced pharmacists have extensive knowledge in the space and are always ready and willing to help our patients with consultations regarding HRT. We will work with you and your physician to establish the ideal mix of type and amount of ingredients for the unique preparation for your needs. Consultation means working together with our patients, we will listen to your needs and make every attempt to completely understand them prior to moving to the next stage. We invite all our HRT patients to contact our compassionate and caring pharmacists to inquire about our consultation services.

Fill out the form below and a representative will contact you shortly.

1. Patient Information

2. Prior Medical History

3. Past And Current Medication History

4. Lifestyle Assesment

Cardiovascular Exercise

Weight Training

5. Family Medical History

6. Subjective Symptom Chart

Please indicate your symptom levels, with 1 being the least severe and 5 as most severe.

Regency Patient &
Physician Portal

Manage your prescriptions and orders with our customized portal.

Refill / Transfer RX
Refill / Transfer RX
